Clemson, S.C. — Clemson’s College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences (CAFLS) honored four alumni last month for their outstanding service to the college, University and agribusiness industry.
For 2021, the CAFLS Alumni Board selected two Young Alumni, two Professional Achievement Award winners and one Distinguished Service Award winner. Since the event was held virtually in 2020, the college also honored last year’s recipients.
“We are fortunate in CAFLS to have numerous outstanding alumni and it is always a great day when we can recognize them for their professional achievements. We have not been able to celebrate our award winners in person the last couple of years, so this event was a great opportunity to welcome them back to campus. The achievements of these winners are impressive, and we are honored to have them as representatives of Clemson and the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences,” said CAFLS Director of Alumni Relations Paula Beecher.
Kinsley Miller, 2021 CAFLS Young Alumni Award

Kinsley Miller, 2016 CAFLS graduate in Agricultural Education, was awarded the first 2021 CAFLS Young Alumni Award. Miller currently serves as Director of Education at the South Carolina Governor’s School for Agriculture.
Miller was cited for her strength of will by Lori Ann Carr, vice-president and administrative manager of Titan Farms in Ridge Spring.
“Kinsley’s heart is big and her efforts tireless as can be seen by the numerous ways she gives of herself to others and to what she believes in,” said Carr.
Sarah Wilbanks, 2021 CAFLS Young Alumni Award
The second 2021 CAFLS Young Alumni Award went to Sarah Wilbanks, who has earned two degrees from CAFLS. She graduated in 2013 with a degree in Agricultural Education, received her Master’s in Agricultural Leadership from University of Georgia in 2013, then earned her Ph.D. from Clemson in Animal and Veterinary Sciences in 2018.
“Sarah, on a daily basis, demonstrates strong leadership skills and professionalism beyond her years. Her experience with Clemson University as well as the community is commendable and she is always willing to go above and beyond for her teammates,” said Mike Weyman, Clemson University Regulatory Services Deputy Director.
Wilbanks has spent the past several years as manager of Clemson’s Fertilizer and Seed Certification Program and was recently named director of The Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies.
Tim Burcham, 2021 CAFLS Professional Achievement Award

Tim Burcham, who currently serves as Director of the Northeast Rice Research and Extension Program with the University of Arkansas – Jonesboro, was awarded the 2021 CAFLS Professional Achievement Award.
Burcham earned his Ph.D. from Clemson in 1989 and is the former Dean of the Arkansas State University College of Agriculture.
“Throughout his stellar career, Tim has been a champion for agriculture while working in teaching, research and Extension. There is no doubt that he constantly demonstrates the qualities that are expected from recipients of this prestigious award,” said John Hayes, Clemson University professor emeritus.
Boyd Parr, 2021 CAFLS Professional Achievement Award

Retired state veterinarian and director of Clemson University Livestock Poultry Health, Dr. Boyd Parr, was awarded the second 2021 CAFLS Professional Achievement Award. Parr earned his BS from Clemson in 1974 and DVM from the University of Georgia in 1978. He was a private veterinary practitioner for 24 years before joining Clemson.
“Boyd is recognized nationally and internationally for his effective and zealous work on behalf of animal agriculture and demonstrates outstanding service and dedication in his professional responsibilities and accomplishments, along with his service to Clemson and CAFLS,” said Thompson Smith, District Director for the South Carolina Farm Bureau.
Roy McCall, 2021 Distinguished Service Award
Roy McCall was awarded the 2021 Distinguished Service Award. McCall graduated from Clemson in 1953 with a degree in Agronomy and is a lifelong supporter of CAFLS and Clemson University.
He created the Peter LeCroy McCall, Jr. ’53 Unrestricted Scholarship Endowment, which provides university-wide scholarships to students, and the Peter LeCroy McCall, Jr. ’53 Scholarship Endowment for CAFLS, which provides financial assistance to South Carolina residents enrolled in CAFLS.
“Roy dedicates his time, talent and treasure for the benefit of others and quietly provides aid and financial assistance to the less fortunate. His influence is significant – extending across the region, state and nation,” said JoVanna King, Senior Associate Vice President for Development.
2020 Award Winners Honored
In 2020, the Young Alumni Award was presented to Justin Ballew, a 2011 Ag Education graduate who also received his master’s from the University of Georgia in 2013
Professional Achievement Awards went to Marc Cribb, a 1977 graduate in plant sciences who has worked most of his career in the soil and water conservation community in both South Carolina and nationally until his retirement in 2018, and K. Flint Holbrook, who received his master’s in 1986 from Clemson’s Agricultural Engineering program and is a senior vice president and water market director within Woolpert’s Infrastructure Sector.
Kemp McLeod was awarded the 2020 Distinguished Service Award. A 1976 graduate of the agronomy program and a fourth-generation farmer at McLeod Farms in McBee, McLeod was nominated by Dr. Kirby Player with much support from his fellow colleagues.
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