Meet a Tiger: Shawn Haney


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When Tigers care for dogs.

They come to her lonely, frightened and hungry. Some have been abandoned. Many have been mistreated. They all find patience, love and support under her care. Learn more about this Tiger, who is truly a dog’s best friend.

Meet Shawn Haney.

Title: Assistant director of presidential communication

Years at Clemson: Two-and-a-half (as an employee) and six as a student (four for undergrad, two for graduate school)

What I do at Clemson: I assist the director of presidential communication and the office of the president with any communication or correspondence needs.

What I love about Clemson: The people, the place, the traditions – from summer days spent on Bowman Field to the Tigers running down the Hill – and the feeling of unity and shared experiences I get in the city and on the campus.

My defining moment at Clemson: I had the opportunity to come back to Clemson to attend grad school as part of a Marine Corps education program. As soon as I landed back on campus, I knew my future included moving back upon retirement and trying to get my second career started here.

Accomplishment I’m most proud of: In life, serving my country for 22 years as a Marine. At Clemson, having the chance to work up from a part-time position to full-time member of the University Relations team.

Where I see myself in five years: I’ll probably still be at Clemson or finally on the verge of starting up a pet-based business.

Last thing I watched on TV: HBO’s Sharp Objects   

Guilty pleasure: Clemson football and dogs

One thing most people don’t know about me: When I left the Marine Corps, I wanted to get a job on campus, but it took awhile for me to do so.  In the meantime, I began fostering dogs in order to have a purpose to my days and to help the community. I initially volunteered with a few different organizations, but for the last two-and-a-half years, I’ve been primarily involved with Greenville’s Lucky Pup Rescue. I’ve fostered 19 dogs (mostly beagles), many of them long-term rehab cases, including three beagles freed from life as test subjects in a laboratory and a couple of senior heartworm-positive dogs.

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