Due to Kronos experiencing a global outage for all cloud-based Kronos Workforce Central customers, specific, time-sensitive steps need to be taken to ensure the University’s hourly and non-exempt salaried employees receive correct pay on Dec. 30.
Direct questions or concerns to Ask HR.
5 Steps for Hourly and Nonexempt Salaried Employees
Deadline: Complete and submit your timecard no later than noon this Thursday, Dec. 16.
Step 1: Access your timecard. Special Note: Use ONLY this new timecard and not the timecard sent Monday, Dec. 13.
- Enable editing, if prompted, or
- If a download message appears, click ‘Download File’, ‘Open File’ and then ‘Enable Editing’.
Step 2: Enter your work time from Nov. 28 through Dec. 15.
Step 3: Timecard users: Input your Leave Type and Leave Hours on your timecard in the appropriate column.
Step 4: Save the timecard.
Step 5: Email the timecard to Kronos@clemson.edu. Subject line must read: Timecard (T must be capitalized in the subject line.)
Future Payroll:
Because Kronos has advised the University this issue may take weeks to resolve, starting tomorrow timecard users are instructed to use the timecard-tab dated 01/14/2022 to track their time. Unless the Kronos issue gets resolved and you are advised differently, you will follow similar instructions as above to submit your timesheet by noon Jan. 4.
3 Steps for Supervisors of Hourly and Nonexempt Salaried Employees
Deadline: Approve all timecards no later than 4:30 p.m. this Thursday, Dec. 16.
Step 1: Open the email you receive from Microsoft Flow with the employee timecard attached. Ensure you receive a timecard for each affected employee you supervise by contacting them. Affected employees have been instructed to ONLY use this new timecard with date ranges from Nov. 28 through Dec. 15.
Step 2: Review the timecard for time worked between Nov. 28 and Dec. 15.
Step 3: Approve or deny the timecard. If you deny an employee’s timecard, reach out to the employee immediately to resolve the issue. Timecard users have been instructed to input any leave, leave type and hours on the timecard in the appropriate column.
Future Payroll:
Because Kronos has advised the University this issue may take weeks to resolve, starting tomorrow timecard users are instructed to use the timecard-tab dated 01/14/2022 to track their time. Unless the Kronos issue gets resolved and you are advised differently, you will follow similar supervisor instructions as above to approve your employees’ timesheets by 4:30 p.m. Jan. 4.