College of Science

College of Science lecturer teams up with Clemson’s first-ever Fall Scholars program


CLEMSON – For the first time, Clemson University’s long-running Summer Scholars program is offering two Fall Scholars programs to be held Oct. 3 and 10 and Nov. 7 and 14.

Three courses will be taught in Fall 2020: one in the October session and two in November. The courses will meet on two consecutive Saturdays for two and a half hours each morning and afternoon from approximately 9–11:30 a.m. and 1–3:30 p.m.

Biological Sciences senior lecturer Donna Weinbrenner
Biological Sciences senior lecturer Donna Weinbrenner (center) will instruct one of the fall courses.

The College of Science’s Donna Weinbrenner, a senior lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences, will be one of the Fall program’s main instructors. Weinbrenner will teach “A Molecular Toolbox for Research and Medicine” during the November session.

Janice Garrison Lanham, a senior lecturer in the School of Nursing, will teach “Nursing and Health Promotion” in November.

Diana Ivankovic, a research associate in the School of Nursing, will teach “Crime Scene Investigators and Forensic Science Experts” in October.

Traditionally, Summer Scholars has been a weeklong summer educational experience for rising 7th– through 12th-graders to explore the academic, recreational and cultural opportunities that Clemson University has to offer. The wide variety of subjects in the program allows students to choose a topic of interest taught by professors who are experts in their field. Because of the success of the summer program, a fall program was implemented.

“Summer Scholars pivots to Fall Scholars to engage students year-round with the support of instructors such as the College of Science’s Dr. Donna Weinbrenner,” said Camille Swanson, director of Summer Scholars. “We are excited to offer even more opportunities to connect field experts to bright young students from across the nation and around the globe. Instructors teach, mentor, advise and encourage high school students to explore fields that might blossom into future college majors and careers. We are honored to serve the next generation of minds as we enter our 44th year as a program.”

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Fall programs will be entirely virtual. Tuition for the programs is $299. To apply, visit Fall 2020 Courses on the Summer Scholars page via Clemson University’s website.

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