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Clemson approves new records management policy: What you need to know


Clemson University has approved a new Records Management policy for retaining and disposing of official University administrative and academic records. 

The Libraries’ Records Management Program is here to assist employees with navigating records management through the entire process, from defining what is and is not a record to determining how long records must be kept to storage of records and disposal of records after their retention period is up.

University Records Officer Brenda Burk said the number one thing she wants employees to know about the policy is that it is everyone’s responsibility to protect University records from loss, destruction, or theft when carrying out their job responsibilities.

“We are creating an extraordinary amount of records here at Clemson every day. While it is great that we are documenting our activities and decisions, the sheer amount can become overwhelming. That is where Records Management can help in understanding the laws and processes for how those records need to be managed and protected and how they should be destroyed. We are here to offer guidance and to make sure we are all in compliance with the South Carolina Public Records Act and other federal regulations,” said Burk.

Burk encourages all employees to join the “ROT Squad” by cleaning out their files, paper and digital, on a regular basis. “ROT” stands for “redundant, obsolete and transitory” — for example, keeping email inboxes clean of emails and other documents that are not considered records and should be deleted. Interested in becoming a member of the ROT Squad? Please check out the Records Management website for ways to join.

What is a record?

A record is defined as “Information, in any form, created, received, or maintained by the University and its employees documenting its activities and evidence of its work and considered the official record.”

Per the policy, convenience copies and transitory records are not considered records and should be disposed of properly when no longer needed. 

For the efficient management of records, retention schedules are created that determine how long official records should be kept and how to dispose of them. Please visit the Records Management website for details on different retention schedules.

How can Records Management help?

Records Management holds monthly virtual chats on the third Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom to answer employees’ questions. Email for the Zoom link.

Periodic trainings are also offered every semester, and Records Management hosts Email Deleting Parties to help educate people about the importance of email records and what emails can and should be deleted. Consider joining the next Email Deleting Party on Thursday, December 19.  At the last one, more than 10,000 emails were deleted by the inaugural members of the ROT Squad. Upcoming trainings and registration are available in TigerTraining.  For trainings specific for your department, please contact recmgmt@clemson.eduto arrange a training session, Office Clean-up Day or Email Deleting Party.

Records Management can also visit individual offices to help employees determine what records they need to keep and what can be destroyed.

Visit the Records Management website for more information.

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