BLACKVILLE, S.C. – Forage quality directly impacts animal performance. To help South Carolina livestock owners learn how to provide supplemental feed during the fall and winter months, the Clemson Cooperative Extension Service is offering in-person programs in March.
The 2024 Forages Field Day, slated for March 21, at the Edisto Research and Education Center (REC), 64 Research Road, Blackville, South Carolina 29817, begins with registration at 8:30 a.m.
Cost is $20. To register, go to https://bit.ly/2024CU_ForagesFieldDay.

The morning session kicks off with a discussion about carbon credits for forage and livestock operations by keynote speaker and Clemson Extension economist Nathan Smith. Following Smith’s presentation, Clemson Extension forages specialist Liliane Silva will discuss adopting climate-smart agricultural practices to strengthen forage-livestock systems. She will also provide research updates from ongoing trials her group is conducting.
The morning session concludes with an update on weed control in forage systems by Mike Marshall, Clemson Extension weed specialist and an update on the livestock market by Matt Fischer, Clemson Extension livestock economist.
Following lunch, afternoon activities will include tours of demonstration plots where Silva and Marshall will give updates on cover crop forage systems research, weed research and management practices, nutrition strategies, nutrient cycling and decomposition in year-round forage systems.
The field day is expected to end at 4 p.m.
A South Carolina New and Beginning Farmer Program advanced level workshop, Best Agricultural Management Practices for Forage-Livestock Systems, will be held March 28, also at the Edisto REC, 64 Research Road, Blackville, South Carolina 29817. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.
Cost is $50. To register, go to https://bit.ly/CU_Forages_BMPs.
This program highlights concepts, research and decision tools for South Carolina. The morning session includes a presentation on soil fertility and health by Leo Viera, a Clemson forages postdoctoral fellow, followed by discussions on forage physiology and production and selecting forage species and maintaining perennial grasses by Silva.
Also included in the morning session is a presentation by Matt Hersom, director of the Clemson Piedmont Research and Education Center, about grazing animal nutrition forage-induced animal disorders. Marshall will discuss using practical burning methods for weed management.
Following lunch, outdoor demonstrations will be held. The afternoon session will include a presentation on weed identification and control, as well as proper sprayer calibration and herbicide application by Marshall.
Grazing management applications will be demonstrated at six individual stations. Topics include using a grazing stick to determine forage mass and how much livestock eat each day.
Other topics include forage defoliation frequency and intensity, soil health and improved management strategies to extend grazing days. Stations will feature nutrient cycling, litter decomposition, carbon sequestration, hay bale quality, nutrition, sampling, and weight calculations. In addition, there will also be a station with information about forage field scouting and stand assessment.
This program is expected to end at 4 p.m. For information on either of these events, contact Liliane Silva at lseveri@clemson.edu.
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