Public Service and Agriculture

Clemson Extension agribusiness team offers COVID-19 resources for farmers


COLUMBIA – As many will agree, COVID-19 has created enough stress on its own. The Clemson Cooperative Extension Service’s Agribusiness Team is trying to reduce some of that stress for South Carolina farmers by offering unbiased, research-based information.

The Clemson Cooperative Extension Service Agribusiness Team has a website with information to help the state's agribusiness industry navigate business challenges associated with COVID-19.
The Clemson Cooperative Extension Service Agribusiness Team has a website with information to help the state’s agribusiness industry navigate business challenges associated with COVID-19.

The team has created a website of information designed to help those in the agribusiness industry navigate challenges related to COVID-19. The fruits of their labor can be found at Team member Adam Kantrovich said this webpage contains vital information for the state’s farmers and others working in agribusiness.

“We are in constant contact with local, state and national officials to get regular updates on information specific to COVID-19,” said Kantrovich who is housed at the Clemson Sandhill Research and Education Center. “We strive to keep our website information as current as possible.”

Topics covered include:

To stay advised of updates made to this information, Kantrovich encourages everyone to follow the Clemson Extension Agribusiness Facebook page — @clemsonextensionagribusiness — and to regularly check the website.






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