New varieties, modern technology, disease and weed management, as well as economics and cover crops are on the agenda for the 2023 Clemson Extension Peanut Field Day Sept. 7 at the Edisto Research and Education Center (REC) in Blackville, South Carolina.
Field day activities get underway with registration from 8-9 a.m. at the Edisto REC, 64 Research Road, Blackville, South Carolina 29817. A field tour is scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon.
Field tour stops include discussions on new and current peanut varieties, as well as disease management by Dan Anco, Clemson Cooperative Extension Service peanut specialist and a report on using innovative agricultural technology to grow peanuts by Kendall Kirk, Clemson precision agriculture engineer. Mike Marshall, Clemson weed scientist, will talk about weed control options in peanut.
Clemson irrigation specialist Jose Payero will talk about using Internet-connected sensors to regulate irrigation.
“These sensors continuously measure soil moisture and send the data to the Internet using a cellular network,” Payero said. “Farmers can view the data in near real-time using a computer or cell phone. This data will tell the farmer when irrigation needs to be applied to prevent crop stress and yield loss without wasting water.”
Because these sensors use cellular networks to transmit data, good cellular coverage in the area is needed.
There are different types of soil moisture monitoring systems commercially available. Payero and his team have developed a soil moisture monitoring system to make the technology more affordable for farmers. Farmers who want to use this technology can talk to Payero at the field day or email him at jpayero@clemson.edu.
Also during the field day, Bhupinder Farmaha, Clemson soil fertility specialist, will discuss the effects of different cover crops on peanut performance and Nathan Smith, Clemson Extension agribusiness program team director, will give an update on the peanut market.
Lunch will be served after the tour. Pesticide credits and continuing education units (CCA) will be available. For information, contact Dan Anco, danco@clemson.edu, or (630) 207-4926.
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