Finance and Operations; OUR Clemson

Check your paystubs and verify your personal information  


Have you checked your pay stub recently? It is good practice to regularly check your paystubs to ensure your personal information is current. This information populates your W-2 tax form, so the data must remain current.  

Employees can find their online paystub through Employee Self-Service.  

If you review your paystub and find your name is not displayed correctly, follow the directions in the Update Your Legal Name section on the Update Your Information webpage.  

You may update your address on file through using these directions to Update Your Personal Information.  

Please note, that individuals with more than one job at Clemson University will only see information in the top left box (next to employee name and address) reflecting one of their positions. For individuals transitioning positions, this information may not yet reflect your position change. 

You can find more information about your online paystub on the Payroll webpage.  

Keeping this information current ensures your W-2 will be correct when processed in January of each year. There is a $10 processing fee for each reissue or reprint of W-2 forms.  

Faculty and staff are encouraged to consent to receive their W-2 forms electronically to expedite the process and reduce the need for paper forms. Forms are immediately available through Employee Self-Service once complete, saving you the waiting period to receive your form in the mail.  

You can opt-in to get your W-2 (and 1095-C) online through Employee Self-Service.  

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