OUR Clemson

Winter Break at Clemson: Available campus resources and tips to prepare your workspace and home


As many students, faculty and staff depart Clemson University for the holidays, a few simple tips can reduce the risk of damage to property caused by cold weather.

Review hazard specific information on the CU Emergency Management page, the recent winter weather Clemson News article and the winter weather specific information provided at Ready.gov.

The following provides a checklist of items faculty, staff and students can do to prevent damage to property, as well as the availability of some main campus resources.

Prepare your home and workspace

  • Remove any trash with food to common area containers.
  • Unplug any electronic devices not needed for critical operations, such as holiday decorations, chargers, lamps, and monitors. Any other electronic devices should be plugged into surge protectors.
  • Turn off office lights.
  • Close blinds and lock windows and doors.
  • Make sure faucets in bathrooms and break rooms are turned off and not dripping.
  • Take any valuable personal items with you.
  • Students should secure any outside items (bikes, scooters, grills, etc.) that may be left unattended during the break.
  • At home, winterize outdoor faucets before temperatures fall below 35 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent outdoor pipes from bursting and causing flooding.

Graduating students moving out by December 22 should prepare their room or apartment prior to departure as well.

Campus resources

To students and employees staying in the area over the next few weeks, be aware of the availability of some main campus resources:

  • Dining venues will be open throughout finals and intermittently after exams have concluded; hours of operation are updated on Campus Dish.
  • Redfern Health Center will be closed on Thursday, Dec. 19 for a disaster recovery drill, but the pharmacy will be open and COVID-19 testing will be available.
  • Samuel J. Cadden Chapel will be open on December 25 from 2-11 p.m.
  • The Nook, an employee-focused pantry designed to support faculty and staff who may be experiencing food insecurity or financial hardships, follows the University holiday schedule and will be open Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and by appointment.
  • Paw Pantry, located in Sirrine Hall, is a resource for students facing food insecurity; the Pantry will be open by appointment only from December 16-20 before reopening in the Spring semester.