Finance and Operations; OUR Clemson

New OnBase-Performance support system launches February 1; designed to better address employees’ needs 


The Office of Human Resources (OHR) is excited to announce a new OnBase-Performance support system. This will allow for quicker and more efficient addressing of employees’ questions and issues with the online performance management form. 

Beginning February 1, employees should submit all questions regarding OnBase-Performance to OHR via the OnBase-Performance Support Form. 

The form will be located on the staff performance management page of the OHR website. 

This form will allow employees to document their questions or issues and send them directly to the OnBase Support team. The system will send employees automatic email updates when the form is received and resolved, informing them of the status of their question. 

Both members of Clemson’s Office of Human Resources and individuals from KeyMark, the vendor supporting the operation of OnBase-Performance, will provide support to employees through the OnBase Support Team. With experience facilitating and troubleshooting OnBase systems, the Keymark representatives will be an added asset to address employee inquiries. 

More information about OnBase-Performance and the staff performance management process can be found on the Office of Human Resources website