Office of the Provost; Student Affairs

National Survey of Student Engagement open to first-year students and graduating seniors through April 22, 2024


A select group of students have an opportunity to help shape the future of Clemson University.

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is being administered to first-year students and graduating seniors at Clemson now through April 22. The NSSE asks about experiences of Clemson students inside and outside of the classroom that support personal development and learning. Selected participants will receive an email invitation to take the survey from and will be eligible for a drawing for incentives, including lower deck tickets to a home ACC football game in Fall 2024!

University officials value the opinions of students and want input as they utilize results of this survey to direct resources and improve the learning environment at Clemson.

Contact Rene’ Schmauder in Undergraduate Studies or Kristin Walker-Donnelly in Student Affairs for more information.