Graduate School; Institutional Excellence; Office of the Provost; OUR Clemson; Student Affairs

Power of the Paw spring survey open to all students from Feb. 12-26


A spring iteration of Clemson’s Power of the Paw survey will be administered to actively enrolled undergraduate and graduate students from Feb. 12-26. The survey directly supports the Clemson Elevate strategic plan and the corresponding pillar of delivering the No. 1 student experience.

“Students who complete the Power of the Paw survey provide essential feedback for continuous improvement to enhance learning environments and set our graduates up for success in postgraduate pursuits,” says Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Robert H. Jones. “This benchmarking tool also allows us to make positive progress in achieving Clemson Elevate’s goal of creating the No. 1 student experience and establishing what it means to thrive as a college student at Clemson.”

The fall “pulse check” dove deeper into topics associated with Clemson Elevate, such as well-being and sense of belonging. Some key takeaways from the survey include:

  • 91% of respondents “definitely” or “probably” would choose Clemson again if they could restart their college experience
  • 90% of respondents somewhat agreed, agreed or strongly agreed they belonged at Clemson
  • 78% of respondents reported overall well-being as good, very good or excellent
  • 42% of respondents identified four of the six institutional values correctly

“Clemson attracts students who are actively engaged and completely committed to our institutional values,” says Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Chris Miller. “The Clemson experience is transformational; we look forward to utilizing feedback from this ongoing assessment tool to better serve our students and position them for success.”

The spring iteration aims to measure different facets of the Clemson experience, such as preparation for post-graduation pursuits, recommending the school to others and what it means to thrive as a college student.

Participation is incentivized. By completing the form, eligible students can win a variety of prizes including free parking, bike share memberships, Clemson memorabilia, iPads and more. In the fall, Jessica Cicogna and Bobby Dailey were among recipients of new iPads, while Charlene L. Floyd won a new Clemson tumbler and Timothy Whims accumulated 100 free Paw Points. The full list of incentives — as well as terms and conditions of participation — are available here.

Contact the PoP Survey for more information.