More than 4,300 students are set to earn bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees from Clemson University in May. Doctoral hooding will take place at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, May 9 in the Brooks Center for the Performing Arts. Commencement for bachelor’s and master’s degree candidates is scheduled across three different ceremonies in Littlejohn Coliseum on Thursday, May 11 and Friday, May 12 — 9 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Tickets will not be issued, but graduates are asked to limit to a maximum of six guests. Doors open to the public one hour prior to the doctoral hooding ceremony in Brooks and two hours prior to Littlejohn ceremonies.
Magnetometers will be in place at all entrances in Littlejohn Coliseum and the facility’s clear bag policy will be in effect for faculty, staff, graduates and guests. The north entrance (off of Ravenel Road) features ADA parking and will have wheelchairs available for individuals with accessibility needs. Guest services is located in Burton Gallery, on the south end of the coliseum. Additionally, stroller/walker check-in is available in the east corner next to Burton Gallery and separate areas for first aid and lactation are also located near the same area.
Graduates are asked to enter Littlejohn at the VIP entrance from the southeast corner of the Avenue of Champions to be directed to check-in with the Registrar’s staff and receive a name card. They will then be directed to the Swann Pavilion practice gym to line up for the processional. Attending faculty interested in taking part in the processional are asked to enter the facility at the VIP entrance from the southeast corner of the Avenue of Champions.
In light of ongoing construction in the West End Zone lot (C-3) next to Memorial Stadium, parking for graduates and guests will be impacted around Littlejohn Coliseum. Shuttle transportation will be available to and from C-2 (labeled D on the adjacent map) and R-3 (labeled K).
Both doctoral hooding and commencement will be live streamed by Clemson TV.
Graduation Ceremonies
Tuesday, May 9 – 3 p.m.
Doctoral hooding (all disciplines)
Thursday, May 11
9 a.m.
Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business
1:30 p.m.
All master’s degree graduates
6 p.m.
College of Education
College of Science
Friday, May 12
9 a.m.
College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
1:30 p.m.
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
6 p.m.
College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences