South Carolina residents can learn where their food and fiber come from, as well as enjoy the sights and sounds of local art and music when the 2022 South Carolina Ag + Art Tour kicks off May 14.
Will Culler, tour director and member of the Clemson Cooperative Extension Service Agribusiness Team, said the free self-guided tour gives people an excellent opportunity to see first-hand where food comes from, watch artists in action and purchase their works, enjoy the melodies of local musicians and learn more about rural life.

“This tour began in 2012 as a way for people to learn more about local agriculture and local artisans,” Culler said. “We work with volunteers from a diverse spectrum of organizations in each county to design a tour that truly reflects local flavors. We encourage everyone to plan a tour of some of our state’s best homegrown and handmade experiences.”
Examples of artisans include painters, potters, weavers, quilters, acoustic musicians, artisan bakers, value-added producers and more. While the tour is free, there may be charges to purchase food, beverages, and farmer’s and artisan’s products, as well as participate in some activities. All state and local regulations regarding COVID-19 will be followed.
Ten counties are included in this year’s event. The self-guided tours take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays, and from 1-5 p.m. on Sundays. Tour dates, counties and contact information are:
May 14-15
Colleton County. David Smalls, scartisanscenter@gmail.com
May 21-22
Lancaster County. Stuart Graham, stuart@ivyplaceevents.com
June 4-8
Charleston County. Stefany Beals, sbeals07@gmail.com
Kershaw County. Catherine DeLoach, cdeloach@camdensc.org
York County – East. Melanie Cooper, mcooper@yorkcountyarts.org
June 11-12
Lexington County. Vickie Davis, vickie@lakemurraycountry.com
Newberry County. Michelle Long, michelle@newberrycounty.org
Richland County. Wendy Broman, foxhideawayfarm@gmail.com
York County – West. Melanie Cooper, mcooper@yorkcountyarts.org
June 18-19
Fairfield County. Brad Hoffman, gypsywindfarms@gmail.com
June 25-26
Chester County. Courtney Lee, ccl@g.clemson.edu
The tour takes place rain or shine, Culler said, adding sites may close if there is a threat of severe weather as the safety of visitors, farmers and artisans is the first priority. Participants are discouraged from bringing dogs as the tour sites are working farms and dogs can present food safety and livestock challenges. Service animals are allowed as needed.
For more information, go to www.agandarttour.com
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