Many employees returned to their workplaces and classrooms Monday. Employees returning to Clemson facilities may find the following checklist helpful.
- Conduct a daily assessment using the COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool.
- Contact your building security coordinator and secure your complimentary facial coverings, wipes and hand sanitizer.
- COVID-19 testing – If you need to be retested, check the testing registration page. New COVID-19 testing events are being added as they are confirmed.
- COVID-19 Test Result Upload Tool – This application allows users who have recently been tested for COVID-19 to share their test results with Clemson University.
- Healthy Clemson, United as Tigers Return to Workplace Guidance offers a comprehensive guide to work during the pandemic.
- COVID-19-Related FAQs – Explore what to do if you observe someone not following safety guidelines, what to do if you test positive and other key information.
- Current Updates – Keep abreast of the news related to the University’s response to the pandemic.
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