With preparations officially underway for a gradual, safe and healthy return to campus, there are important updates regarding parking and transit options for fall 2020. These changes have been made in response to the University’s goal of further establishing a culture of safety and mobility on campus, with a continued emphasis on pedestrian safety.
New College of Business School Employee Lot (E-37)
A newly constructed 180-space employee parking lot located next to the College of Business will be open for the fall, prompting a significant parking shift from behind Sirrine Hall toward the E-37 lot and freeing up more employee parking in the Sirrine (E-04) lot.
Expansion of the Lee Hall Lot (E-03)
Due to increased demand for employee parking in the Lee Hall area, the E-03 lot will be expanded into the adjacent C-04 lot, adding 70 additional employee spaces.
Sikes (E-06) Lot
As a result of the pandemic, plans to convert the Sikes parking lot to a reserved lot and to implement a free park-n-ride service have been postponed until 2021. Park-N-Ride services will continue the same as last year.
Several important changes will be occurring in and around the Sikes (E-06) parking lot, however. These changes were conducted after a careful review and thorough study in response to concerns regarding pedestrian safety on campus. The changes were also part of a broader plan based on recommendations from a national traffic engineering firm and are in alignment with the Long-Range Framework Plan.
These changes will help improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety around the Sikes parking lot area, particularly at the intersection/corridor of Calhoun Drive and Walter T. Cox Blvd. (Hwy 93).
The changes being implemented include:
- Closing Calhoun Drive from Tillman to Fort Hill Street to eliminate cut-through traffic.
- Converting Parkway Drive to two-way traffic to ease traffic flow in and out of the entrance to the Sikes lot at Walter T. Cox Blvd. Angle parking will be converted to parallel parking to allow for two-way traffic.
- The relocation of metered parking spaces from the Sikes lot to nearby E-27 (between the new Business School and Douthit – Building C.) Metered spaces currently in the Sikes lot will be converted to employee spaces.
- Additional accessible parking spaces will be added to those existing in the Sikes lot.
Alternate Parking and Transportation Options
No changes to permit fees are planned this year. Employee parking permit prices are currently based on a salary-tier, and alternative parking and transportation services such as Park-N-Ride, Carpooling, and Transit Programs are available to help eliminate or reduce parking and commute costs.
Park-N-Ride Program
Park-N-Ride services will continue for commuter students, faculty and staff at an annual cost of $50.
Annual Park-N-Ride permits are valid in one of several remote lots, supported by a 15 to 20-minute bus frequency service Monday through Thursday from 7 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Park-N-Ride permits require parking in the designated lots Monday through Thursday until 4:30 p.m. After 4:30 p.m. from Monday through Thursday. Park-n-ride permit holders can park on campus in accordance with normal employee parking guidelines all day Friday through Sunday.
Additional Park-N-Ride lots may also be added to accommodate increases in demand, but employees are encouraged to order a discounted Park-N-Ride permit before they are sold out.
Learn more about Park-N-Ride permit options.
Carpool Program
Parking and Transportation Services also offers carpool permits to groups of two or more students or employees. Joining the program has an array of incentives, including discounted or free permits for carpool groups of three or more and convenient, preferred parking locations across campus.
Learn more about the carpool option.
Transit Programs
Consider using Tiger Transit’s Tiger Commute service to and from Greenville or the CATbus system for those who live near main campus. The ride is fare-free on the CATbus system, and there is a modest charge for employees to use Tiger Commute.
Tiger Commute service runs from 6:15 a.m.-8:50 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information, visit Tiger Commute Route.
Clemson Area Transit (CATbus) runs 15 to 17-minute service on the Red Route during peak hours, meaning the bus can pick you up from the nearest stop EVERY 15-17 minutes. For more information, visit www.catbus.com.
Printable daily temporary permits can be ordered if you don’t routinely bring a car to campus.
Check for updates on the Parking and Transportation Services website. Contact parking@clemson.edu with additional questions.
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