Beginning Wednesday, February 14, Clemson University will extend employee parking at the Brooks Center for the Performing Arts lot to accommodate the upcoming closure of the nearby E-21 lot (adjacent to the Godley-Snell Research Center).
The E-21 lot will close permanently on Monday, February 19, as the University begins construction on the new Forestry and Environmental Conservation Building. The Brooks Center lots (C-11/E-22) will include spaces for employees, commuters, service vehicles and ADA parking.
- On Friday, February 9, signage was installed stating the lot is closed February 14-16 at the specific section of the Brooks Center lot which is being converted to employee spaces.
- Barricades will be installed the evening of Tuesday, February 13, to officially close the lot February 14-16 for restriping.
Image Description
A map of Clemson University’s main campus showing parking impacts beginning February 19, 2024. Lot C-11 is partially covered with another E-22 square. E-21 is shown as offline with -159 employee spaces and -19 reserved spaces. A subsection reads that state vehicles go to C-14 with transit service to Brooks Center and ADA patrons are directed to C-11. C-11 will have +150 employee spaces, +4 EV chargers (Level II) and +10 reserved spaces for -14 total net spaces. A smaller map shows the Seneca River Basin (C-14) to Brooks Route with a dotted purple line and bus icon traveling from the C-14 lot to the Brooks Center and back.
Commuters affected by this change have several alternatives for traveling to the Brooks Center area:
- The C-14 lot located at the Seneca River Basin (behind the Administrative Services Building) features a bus route that travels to and from the Brooks Center every 15 minutes.
- Commuters can park at the East Park-N-Ride P-7 and P-8 lots, where shuttles offer six-to-ten minute service to the Academic Success Center.
- After 4:30 p.m., students can park in employee spaces, including those at the Brooks Center.
All state and government vehicles parking in the E-21 lot will need to relocate to the C-14 lot by Monday, February 19. Transit service is available to and from the Brooks Center and the Seneca River Basin lot.
Image Description
An animation showing a purple dotted line bus route traveling from the C-14 lot to the Brooks Center for Performing Arts and back. A person walking icon also crosses Williamson Road to indicate a pedestrian walking to Lee Hall. Text reads “C-14 (Seneca River Basin (SRB) Lot) is open Monday – Friday
Walk to Lee using new sidewalks, stoplight and crosswalks OR Take SRB Route to Brooks Center”
For more information about parking and transit at Clemson, visit the Parking and Transportation Services website.