Clemson Online professional development and training updates


As summer instruction begins, Clemson Online is providing professional development, training and information sessions for faculty looking for ways to effectively use the online tools and technological resources available to them.

Clemson Online will host a series of sessions throughout June and July known as Summer Quick Hits. The sessions will be hosted through Zoom. Each session is 30 minutes and will be recorded for later use. The sessions will be 12:30-1 p.m. beginning June 18. The topics include:

    • June 18 – Online Exams in Canvas
    • June 25 – Creating Engaging Videos
    • July 9 – Zoom Recording Best Practices & Captioning
    • July 16 – Preparing Your Canvas Course for Online and Hybrid
    • July 23 – Classroom Recording Technology
    • July 30 – Zoom Security Features

To sign up for one or all of the available Summer Quick Hits workshops, register at Tiger Training.

There will also be additional training and workshops held throughout the summer and into the start of the Fall 2020 semester. The additional sessions include:

  • CONCERT (Teaching Online Asynchronous Course): July 6
    • A five-week asynchronous and interactive course intended for faculty teaching or developing courses in Canvas. The course is designed for anyone wishing to refresh or learn about Canvas and online instructional tools. Once enrolled, you will receive an invitation to the Canvas course prior the start date. Visit Tiger Training to register.
  • First Fridays: June 5 and July 10
    • Join Clemson Online’s virtual meeting space from 8:15 to 9 a.m. for conversations about Academic Continuity, Summative Assessments (online) and Fall 2020 Planning.
  • Do What’s Best For You: Exploring the Teaching Options for Fall 2020. June 24 and July 22
    • Join Clemson Online’s Associate Directors, Anne Marie Rogers and Dr. Lori Kinley, from 10 a.m. to 11:30 am for an overview of the Fall 2020 teaching options. Rodgers and Kinley will discuss teaching strategies to fit your content and delivery style, along with the resources and tools available, including new classroom audio and video equipment. The sessions will also cover tips for online student engagement and strategies for teaching to multiple modalities (online and face-to-face) at the same time. Visit Tiger Training to sign up.
  • Academic Continuity Virtual Drop-Ins
    • Have any technological questions? Bring your specific questions about Clemson-supported instructional technologies systems such as Zoom, Webex, Canvas, Ensemble, Camtasia and Respondus Monitor to our experts. Join our virtual meeting space from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Instructional Video Planning/Training (per request)
    • Take advantage of Clemson Online’s trainers and studios to determine the best options for your course. Resources covered include Camtasia, Zoom or our Lightboard Studio. Please email for more information or to schedule training.
  • Strategies for Teaching with Canvas and other Instructional Tools: Fall 2020 
    • Support online or hybrid learning by identifying Canvas and other instructional tools that meet your course objectives. Discuss the options supported by Clemson, and select the best tool(s) for your course and/or department. Please email for more information or to schedule.

Future training sessions (to be determined at a later date):

  • User Guide to Classroom Video Technology
  • Classroom Video Technology Scheduled Drop-ins
  • Updated Canvas Instructor Guide
  • Self-enroll Canvas course (online instructional tools descriptions and guides)

As a reminder, all sections in iRoar are provisioned as a Canvas course shell. All Clemson faculty, staff and students also have access to a licensed Zoom account, so remember to review Zoom security features and best practices.

For future events, visit the Clemson Online events page. For additional information regarding Clemson Online, visit the Academic Continuity website.

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