DUO Mobile enhances the security of most Clemson University applications, asking users to verify their identity on another device as part of two-factor authentication (2FA). On November 30, 2023, a new iteration of the DUO Mobile prompt, DUO Universal Prompt, will offer a faster, more user-friendly log-in process with even better security. Those using DUO Mobile will continue to log-in and authenticate as usual, with no further actions required. The prompt’s look and design will be different, however, so users are encouraged to review the following images and information to be aware of these changes.
- The traditional prompt Clemson users are familiar with was embedded into the webpage, but the Universal prompt redirects you to a DUO-owned page and then back to the Clemson page. See examples below for how this change will appear between the traditional prompt (first) and new Universal Prompt (second):
- In addition to the new appearance, users now have the ability to click on the “Other options” button to use a contact method other than the default selection.

- Finally, for an added layer of security, DUO can request further information to ensure it is you accessing your information. If DUO detects an unusual login, from a computer in a different country, for example, it will request a more robust form of authentication called “Verified Push.” With Verified Push, the DUO Universal prompt will send users a code to enter on the DUO Mobile application. Never share this code with anyone. Cybercriminals and hackers may try to send a text or SMS you to enter the code for them.

To learn more about these interface changes, or to enable DUO Mobile 2FA or manage your devices, visit the Clemson 2FA portal. If you have questions or need assistance, contact the CCIT Support Center at ithelp@clemson.edu or call (864) 656-3494.