Welcome back, faculty colleagues!
It has been a good week, with a lot of both familiar and new faces and ways of doing things as we kick off the 2021-22 academic year.
Everyone has worked so hard to get everything off on the best possible footing, while working through shared and individual challenges. As we swing into our first weekend of the academic year, I thought I’d point out a few timely links:
1) Welcome, new faculty! Your new faculty colleagues listed by College
2) General faculty meeting follow-up: public health update
3) Where do I go for Clemson University COVID-19 information?
- Our Clemson—stories about programs and initiatives, including pandemic related activities
- Resources and Updates—operations and directives, includes contact information for subject experts if you scroll down
- Dashboards
- FAQs—developed from questions submitted at the chairs’ retreat, general faculty meeting, and other
- Face coverings, masking (including for instructors in classrooms)
- All policies
4) Face shields
If you are teaching in front of class, you should wear your mask or under certain circumstances you may wear a face shield during instruction if you can remain at least 6 feet away from students (see Face coverings, masking). As of August 20, face shields are available for immediate pickup at Vickery Hall on campus. If you are off campus and need a face shield, please contact an Associate Dean.
Thank you,
Amy Lawton-Rauh, Ph.D.
Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs