Honorably discharged veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces will be given employment preference at South Carolina government agencies and higher education institutions starting in 2021. The South Carolina Department of Administration’s Division of State Human Resources (DSHR) announced the Veterans Preference in a November 2020 memorandum, stating:
At least one qualified Veteran must be interviewed for every full time equivalent (FTE) position posted by an agency or institution. In order to receive an interview pursuant to this preference, eligible Veterans must meet the minimum training and experience requirements for the position and must be capable of performing the duties assigned to the position with or without a reasonable accommodation.
In the event there are no qualified Veteran applicants for the position and/or no Veteran applicants meet the training and experience requirements for the position, the requirement to interview a Veteran does not apply and the state agency or institution is under no further obligation under this preference.
To ensure adherence to the Veterans Preference, Clemson’s Office of Human Resources is updating hiring tools and processes in coordination with the state. More information will be shared with hiring managers as the new preference goes into effect in 2021 and again once any posted position closes.
DSHR has released a Veteran’s Hiring Toolkit which includes details about the Veterans Preference and provides resources for hiring managers.
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