OUR Clemson

Updated face coverings and mask guidance


Clemson leadership, based upon recommendations from the University’s public health experts, announced today updates to the University’s face covering policy to reduce areas of required masking.

Following weeks of low COVID-19 positive tests through ongoing required testing, daily positivity rates have remained below 0.5% through October and November. (Visit the University’s COVID dashboard for the latest data.)

Face coverings will remain required in instructional spaces, research labs, medical facilities (including testing sites), and on public transportation.

While masks are not required in other areas – including Cooper Library and office spaces – they remain strongly encouraged in settings where gatherings and group interactions take place indoors.

Further details on the University’s face coverings requirements can be found on the University Policies Index. Incidents of noncompliance will result in referrals to the Office of Community and Ethical Standards (students), Office of Human Resources (employees) and Procurement Services (contractors).