Clemson University’s 2024 Spring Break runs from Monday, March 18, through Friday, March 22. University Facilities will take advantage of the break in classes to work on several areas of main campus, listed below.
In addition to these updates, visit the University Facilities Construction Map for the latest information on University Facilities projects.
The C-2, C-12, E-3 Extension and R-3 Extension parking lots will be closed all week while Facilities crews collect ground boring samples.

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A parking map of Clemson’s campus with four parking lots circled in green: R-3 Ext., C-2, C-12 and E-3 Ext. A text overlay reads “The R-3 Extension, C-2, C-12, and E-3 Extension parking lots will be closed March 16 – 24 (Spring Break) while crews collect ground boring samples.”
A section of Old Stadium Road from the Madren Conference Center to Cherry Road will be closed from Monday-Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. for patching asphalt.

Image Description
An aerial view of Clemson University with a section of Old Stadium Road highlighted in read. Double-ended green arrows sit at either end of the section. A text overlay reads “A section of Old Stadium Rd. between Madren Center Dr. and Cherry Rd. will close from 7:00am to 5:00pm daily during Spring Break for surface repairs.”
The southern/eastbound half of Bryan Circle (loop) will close to repair underground utilities and replace concrete. Epsilon Zeta Dr. will be used as an alternate route.

Image Description
An aerial view of Clemson University showing a section of Bryan Circle highlighted in purple with traffic markers at either end. Green arrows show flow around Bryan Circle. A text overlay reads “The eastbound half of Bryan Circle will be closed while crews replace concrete near Byrnes Hall. Epsilon Zeta Dr. will be used as an alternate route during this time.”
Maintenance will bring traffic signals on Cherry Road at the McMillan Road and Zeta Theta Street intersections offline for several hours on Thursday, March 21. Please use caution when traveling through these areas.

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An aerial view of Clemson University with traffic signal icons at two intersections of Cherry Road. A text overlay reading “The traffic lights on Cherry Road at the McMillan Road and Zeta Theta Street intersections will be off-line for several hours to allow maintenance to be performed. Please use caution while traveling through these areas.” points to the two traffic signals with orange arrows.
Work began on the Kite Hill/R-1 parking lot expansion last week. No immediate traffic impact is expected, but please exercise caution and obey all traffic signs and signals during construction. The project is scheduled for completion in August 2024.

Image Description
An aerial view of Clemson University, specifically Kite Hill, with a parking lot diagram overlaid over the hill. A text overlay reads “Kite Hill R-1 Parking Lot Expansion.”
Installation for a new bus stop in front of the Lightsey Bridge Commons Buildings will close a section of roadway during Spring Break and the following week (March 25-29). The section will close once more on April 8 for crews to install the bus stop shelter.

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An aerial view of Clemson University in front of Lightsey Bridge Commons with a section in front of the building highlighted in purple. A text overlay reads “The section of roadway directly in front of the Lightsey Bridge Commons Buildings will be closed for the installation of a new bus stop.”
A section of Commons Court will close during Spring Break to install a new stormwater catch basin in the roadway near Lightsey Bridge II Building 14.

Image Description
An aerial view of Clemson University with Commons Court highlighted in purple and three traffic cones overlaid. A text overlay reads “A section of Commons Court will close for the installation of a new stormwater catch basin in the roadway near LBII Building 14.”
Tau Court will be reduced to one lane while crews install underground utilities for the Fernow Street Café.

Image Description
An aerial view of Clemson University with Tau Ct. highlighted in purple and a traffic stop at the end adjacent to Fernow St. A double-ended green arrow runs above the highlighted section, indicating one flowing lane of traffic. A text overlay reads “Tau Court will be reduced to one lane while crews install underground utilities for the Fernow Street Café.”