Editor’s Note: This is the latest installment of the “Student Affairs Talk” podcast for 2021-22. Communications Director for Student Affairs Philip Sikes visits with various leaders from the staff and student communities. This week’s guest is Noah Ashley, a senior bioengineering major.

This past summer, Noah Ashley was one of 40 members of Beta Upsilon Chi (BYX) from chapters across the country to take part in an exclusive two-week leadership summit. His journey took him to Washington, DC, New York City and Israel, where he met with and learned from leaders in various fields, including the military, government and business.
It was merely the latest in a long line of Clemson experiences that have impacted Ashley, who serves as BYX chapter president. He is also vice president of the Clemson University MedEx Club, chair of the Academic Integrity Board and is involved in a slew of academic advisory boards and councils related to his major.
In the podcast, Ashley broke down some of his most transformative academic and extracurricular experiences at Clemson — including his time with BYX, the MedEx Academy and Clemson Undergraduate Student Government.
Click the play button below to listen to the podcast. View the entire transcript here.