As a strategic initiative of ClemsonForward, the primary goal of the Search Advocate Program is to promote equity in Clemson University faculty and staff searches.
Clemson University’s Search Advocate Program seeks an inaugural cohort group of 100 participants. Selected members of the Search Advocate Program will be recognized as emerging, engaged, high-potential and high-performing leaders at Clemson University. Participants will receive key training in best practices in recruitment, an understanding of organizational development and how these important strategies link the University’s faculty and staff recruitment to the success of the ClemsonForward strategic plan. The program will afford participants a distinguished professional development opportunity that facilitates understanding of discipline-specific excellence with broader University community and strategic plans.
Application Details and Timeline
- Faculty and staff may be nominated by another faculty or staff member at Clemson University. Applicants must acknowledge that they have obtained their supervisor’s approval before applying.
- Faculty and staff may self-nominate by volunteering to be considered as nominee.
- Eligibility—To be considered for the program, a staff or faculty member must have achieved a minimum of satisfactory on their last annual performance evaluation.
- The deadline for applications is April 26, 2019. Nominees will be contacted by May 31, 2019, and final selections will be made by June 29, 2019. Those selected will be contacted and scheduled for the fall 2019 workshop.
- The Search Advocate Program will start at the beginning of the fall 2019 semester.
- Apply using the Search Advocate Program Nomination Form.
Roles and Responsibilities
- Each search advocate will be trained as a search and selection process advisor. Their preparation will include a two-part workshop series addressing topics such as:
- How to effectively recruit an excellent pool of applicants
- How to raise awareness of unconscious assumptions and the influences of these assumptions on the evaluation of applicants
- How to ensure a fair and thorough review of applicants
- After going through the workshop, trained search advocates will be expected to serve on at least two searches each year and attend annual training.
- Search advocates will serve a one-year term and may be reappointed for additional terms.
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