OUR Clemson; Student Affairs

LeMay recipient of 2021 University & College Designers Association (UCDA) Award


Tina LeMay, director of Student Affairs Publications, has been named the 2021 recipient of the University & College Designers Association (UCDA) Award. The honor is presented by the organization’s board of directors in recognition of those who have donated valuable time, service and support to advance the UCDA’s goals. LeMay is the 20th recipient of the prestigious award.

“I can’t imagine anyone more deserving of the UCDA award than Tina,” said George Smith, associate vice president for Student Affairs. “She has served this association with distinction, but more importantly she has excelled in her field. The work Tina and her team produces regularly wins regional, national and international acclaim. I have worked with Tina for more than 20 years and couldn’t have asked more of a colleague — she is a consummate professional and truly great person.”

Tina LeMay, pictured alongside Associate Vice President for Student Affairs George Smith, was honored as the 2021 recipient of the University & College Designers Association (UCDA) Award.

The UCDA was founded in 1970 as the nation’s first association for professionals involved in the creation of visual communications for educational institutions. It now encompasses more than 1,000 members across the United States and Canada.

LeMay leads Clemson’s creative efforts in the Division of Student Affairs and has been involved with graphic design for more than 20 years. She founded Campus Banner + Design, formerly a student-run, large-format print business on campus for many years. In FY21, her team produced more than 3,300 jobs for the division and earned four external awards for graphic design — despite the ongoing impact of COVID-19.

LeMay has served UCDA in several capacities since 2004 and is a past president (2015, 2019) of the organization as well. She earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Clemson.