Next week, Clemson University will enroll all faculty, staff and student employees in two Tiger Training acknowledgments of the University’s policies on equitable treatment and drugs and alcohol.
These policies are required to be distributed to Clemson University employees annually. Many employees may remember completing these acknowledgments in August 2024. For compliance purposes the acknowledgments must be redistributed now to remain compliant with federal and state regulations, however, in future years, this acknowledgement will be issued only once annually.
All employees will receive a Tiger Training notification on January 22, informing them of their enrollment in two policy acknowledgments:
- Policies and Procedures for Equitable Treatment
- Drug and Alcohol Policy
Acknowledgments must be completed by February 21, 2025, and completing the acknowledgements earlier in the cycle will end future communication reminders.
Policies and Procedures for Equitable Treatment
The Policies and Procedures for Equitable Treatment are part of the University’s program to address illegal discrimination if and when it occurs.
The University values treating each member of its community with dignity and respect, supported by University policies. Employees are expected to be familiar with these policies and are to operate in accordance with their objectives.
The Office of Access Compliance and Education (ACE) is available to those who believe they have been discriminated against. The assistant vice president of equity compliance in ACE is the University’s Title IX Coordinator.
Questions regarding the Policies and Procedures for Equitable Treatment should be directed to the Office of Access Compliance and Education.
Drug and Alcohol Policy
Employees who use alcohol and other drugs assume a responsibility to comply with South Carolina laws and University policies, to make decisions that reduce their personal risks and to consider the health and safety risks posed to others.
The U.S. Department of Education requires each higher education institution to distribute its alcohol and drug policy to every employee annually.
The University provides education and programs to create an environment that fosters well-being and empowers students and employees to make responsible decisions related to drugs and alcohol.
Drug-Free Awareness Resources are available to employees with information about the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace. Resources also link employees to available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance information.
The Department of Vocational Rehabilitation is a confidential service to help employees identify problems that affect their job performance. Vocational Rehabilitation operates two voluntary admission treatment centers for clients requiring inpatient therapy for the chronic abuse of alcohol and drugs.
The S.C. Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services emphasizes disseminating information about the problems related to alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse. The three basic types of services are prevention, intervention and treatment.
Questions regarding the Drug and Alcohol Policy should be directed to to Staff and Faculty Relations.
Questions regarding the Tiger Training system should be directed to