Ece Erdogmus, founding dean of Clemson University’s College of Architecture, Art and Construction, is now a Fellow of The Masonry Society (TMS). She was formally inducted as a fellow at The Masonry Society’s annual meeting in Portland, Maine on October 17.
“Being elevated to Fellow of TMS is a huge honor, both personally and professionally,” Erdogmus said. “The Masonry Society has been a part of my life for 20 years as an educator, researcher and practitioner. I look forward to continuing my involvement in TMS to ensure that it can impact the careers of the next generation of industry professionals as positively as it has impacted mine.”
Erdogmus is now the 44th Fellow of TMS, which was founded in 1977 and has more than 500 members around the world.
Her selection as Fellow was influenced by her contributions to the masonry industry through her membership in TMS and beyond. She has served in multiple roles with TMS, including as a member of their board of directors, associate editor of the TMS Journal, active member of their Technical Activities Committee, and a member of TMS 402/602, where she now chairs a subcommittee. Nominators for her fellow award noted her advocacy for the masonry industry, enthusiasm for her work, and encouragement of others, with one writing, “You do not have to be around Ece for very long, and her passion for masonry comes through. We need more people and leaders like Ece in the masonry community.”
TMS also noted that Erdogmus authored a chapter in the 2022 Masonry Design Guide, regularly reviews thesis papers for their Research Committee awards and has authored over 70 peer-reviewed papers related to masonry research to date. She was honored as one of the founders of the Women in Masonry Fund and as the organizational chair of the 14th North American Masonry Conference (14NAMC) in 2023.
In addition to being named a Fellow, she was pleasantly surprised at the annual meeting in Portland with the esteemed 2024 President’s Award, presented by the current Society President, David McLean, Emeritus Dean and Professor at Colorado State University. McLean recognized her numerous contributions to the society, highlighting the remarkable success of 14NAMC and the launch of the Women in Masonry Fund as key factors in the decision to bestow upon her this dual honor.
About The Masonry Society
Formed in 1977, The Masonry Society (TMS) is an educational, scientific, and technical society dedicated to the advancement of scientific, engineering, architectural, and construction knowledge of masonry. TMS is a not-for-profit, membership driven organization that gathers, correlates, and disseminates information for the improvement of the design, construction, manufacture, use, and maintenance of masonry products and structures. As part of these efforts, TMS develops standards, guides, and other resources, educates through seminars, workshops, conferences, and collaborates with the construction industry, design profession and other leaders desiring to see a better and more resilient built environment.
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