Student Affairs

Clemson Ready: A 5-minute challenge


Students, faculty and staff are increasingly challenged to learn more, produce more and accomplish more. It is easy to get overwhelmed with what is expected of us and forget to attend to some basic, yet effective, personal safety practices. By doing these few small tasks, you create a safer environment for yourself and the Clemson Community.

Take 5 minutes every day to ensure you are Clemson Ready in case of an emergency. Here are some effective 5-minute suggestions:

  • Familiarize yourself with our Emergency Procedures. Every classroom should be equipped with a flipchart outlining what to do in case of various emergencies. If you notice a classroom does not have a flipchart, request one from the Office of Emergency Management ( This information can also be found online at:
  • Take a different route. We are creatures of habit and tend to take the same route to class, home and work every day. Today, take a different route out of your Residence Hall, walking to class or when driving to campus. This will help you in case an emergency forces you out of your usual routine.
  • Talk to your friends and family. Who will you communicate with in case of an emergency? What will you do if there is no cell phone coverage? Establish a family and friends communication plan before an emergency happens.
  • Add a simple item to your emergency kit or bag. What would you take with you if you had to quickly leave your home? This is a good practice not just for disasters but for smaller emergencies – what if you or a loved one has to go to the hospital? What would you need? Take the guess work out of this and have it ready to go. If you’re not sure where to start, visit
  • Do you know how to report power outages? While on-campus, you can always call CUPD at 864-656-2222. If you live off-campus, do you know how to report outages at your home? What if you didn’t have cell phone service and needed to call. Pre-program your phone with the number and have a hard copy on hand.

Taking 5 minutes every day will help prepare you for emergencies that might come your way. For even more tips and planning tools, go to for ideas and plans.

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