Over the next months, the Union, Johnstone Hall and Harcombe Dining Hall will be demolished. The first of five guiding principles listed in Clemson University’s Long-range Framework Plan is to build “A campus that is green and memorable.” This space, right in the heart of campus, will be enjoyed by students, faculty, staff and visitors as a park-like green space once the demolition is complete.
The entire project is anticipated to be completed at the end of 2025.

Image Description
An aerial view shows Clemson’s campus with two areas green space, one with an orange dot and one with a purple dot. Text reads: “The heart of campus will be more park-like over the course of these projects.
Illustrated is a future aerial view after the demolition of the Union, Johnstone Hall and Harcombe Dining Hall (orange dot). Facilities (purple dot) has partially moved to Seneca Creek Road. Illustrated is an aerial view after the future project to remove the structures there to make green spaces.”
Safety First
The University has contracted Neuber Environmental to conduct the demolition work in accordance with federal and state safety requirements.
Phase I
- Beginning February 26, 2024, contractors worked to secure the perimeter of the project area. No employee, student or visitor access will be granted. Signage has been posted at all points of entry.
- During the project’s first phase, asbestos-containing materials will be removed according to strict South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) regulations. Work areas will be sealed with plastic and non-friable asbestos-containing materials will be removed and disposed of from the basement areas of Union, Johnstone Hall and Harcombe Dining Hall by certified abatement contractors.
- CUPD will conduct routine patrols and video surveillance of the area to prevent unauthorized access.
Phase II
- Later in spring 2024, contractors will again review the secured perimeter and signage of the entire construction site to ensure no one can access the area unless they are authorized to be there. CUPD will continue to conduct routine patrols and video surveillance of the area to prevent unauthorized access.
- Strategically located to ensure the safety of pedestrians, flaggers will assist drivers of trucks removing debris.
- Contractors will initiate work on the exterior of the buildings of the Union, Johnstone Hall and Harcombe Dining Hall.
- Work being done to remove non-friable asbestos-containing materials from the exterior of the buildings may be visible to the public.
- For their safety, and in compliance of strict South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) regulatory controls, contractors will be wearing standard Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), including full, disposable protective clothing and high-efficiency HEPA respirators.
- Perimeter air monitors, required for all asbestos projects in accordance with SCDHEC regulations, will be stationed around the perimeter of the construction site and visible to the public.
As with all construction projects, a certain level of noise is to be expected and is unavoidable. As much as possible, noisy and disruptive work will be scheduled to minimize the impact to our campus community. While interior work is underway, the actual demolition will not begin until spring semester has ended. As always, University Facilities and the University’s contractors are especially sensitive during exam week and the week preceding.
General Interest

The Union, Johnstone Hall and Harcombe Dining Hall have become iconic buildings on Clemson’s campus. Similar to when Clemson House was imploded, alumni are interested in the University’s changing landscape. Efforts will be made to share the demolition through streaming video links and social media.
Project Questions – Project Manager Jason Motto, jmotto@clemson.edu or (864) 986-1969
Media Questions – Director of Communications Alex Brooks, abrks@clemson.edu (419) 351-0009