OUR Clemson

Professional development tips and resources from #CUStayConnected newsletter


The Office of Human Resources continues updating its weekly newsletter #CUStayConnected, which provides training, professional development, outreach and engagement resources for faculty and staff.

Debuting in April and inspired by the #CUStayConnected campaign created to bring Clemson students together, the newsletter is updated on a weekly basis every Monday at (http://media.clemson.edu/humanres/CUStayConnected.pdf). It is also shared through the Our Clemson Twitter account (@OurClemson). To receive the newsletter in your inbox, send a request to Human Resources at amstric@clemson.edu.

Here are some of the professional development and engagement resources shared from the latest issues of #CUStayConnected:


Canvas workshops with Clemson Online

Making the best of virtual learning from Khan Academy Founder

(Video): Nine useful Time-saving PowerPoint tricks for beginners

Supervisor tips for responding to employees needs during COVID-19

Professional Development:

The key to getting mentally tougher in difficult times

18 outstanding benefits of listening to classical music

How to stay creative when your team is working remotely

Approaching your supervisor when you’re underperforming


COVID-19 support for parents: Creating a Positive learning and working environment (Webinar)

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