OUR Clemson

Physics and astronomy department hosts math competitions for K-12 students, including children of faculty and staff 



The Physics and Astronomy Department will host a series of mathematics competitions for K-12 students to promote enthusiasm and a positive attitude toward mathematics and science and stimulate their interest in continuing their studies beyond high-school years. Faculty and staff are encouraged to register their children below. 

For middle school students:  

Jan. 19, 2023, at 6 p.m. – AMC 8, a 25-question, 40-minute, multiple-choice examination of middle school mathematics to encourage the development of problem-solving skills. It is free for Clemson employees and the University covers the participation cost.  

Register by Dec. 15, 2022, at this website. Read more about the competition here. Testing room locations will be announced closer to the test date. 

For students in grades 1-12: 

Math Kangaroo, taking place at Clemson at 6 p.m. on March 23, 2023, is an international math competition that engages more than six million students. The contest is based on a 75-minute multiple choice test, with 24 questions for students up to grade 4 and 30 questions for grades 5 and up. Every participant receives a small gift bag (with a T-shirt, a certificate of achievement, pencils and toys), so the registration must be done individually for each student. There is a fee of $21 per participant. Limited funding is available for students with special financial needs. 

For more information about Math Kangaroo, click hereRegistration begins on Sept. 15, 2022, and ends on Dec. 15, 2022, and is online here

For students in grades 9-12: 

On Nov. 10 and 16, 2022, at 6 p.m. – AMC 10 and 12 competitions. AMC 10 is a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple-choice examination with problems that can be understood and solved with algebra and geometry concepts. AMC 12 is a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple-choice exam with problems that can be understood and solved with pre-calculus concepts. They serve as primary selection tests for the national math team representing the United States at the International Math Olympiad, the most prestigious pre-college math competition. The University will cover the cost of participation.  

To register for either exam, go to this website by Oct. 15, 2022. Testing room locations will be announced closer to the test date. For more information on the AMC 10 and 12 competitions, click here. 

Need more information? 

For questions about any of these competitions, contact Jason Brown by email or phone 864-656-1217.