Risk Services and Insurance will hold its annual Safe Driver Awards Ceremony and Reception on June 7, 2023, from 9-11 a.m. at Littlejohn Coliseum (Burton Gallery). Guests from CU-ICAR and the Deep Orange team will address the audience and provide information on where the automotive industry is heading using new and innovative technology that addresses challenges in the automotive industry. As a bonus, the Deep Orange 11 vehicle, which was showcased at the 2023 Consumer Electronics Show earlier this year in Las Vegas, will be on display.
Nominations: Safe Driver Award
Nominations are now being accepted for Clemson University’s Safe Driver Award Program, recognizing employees who safely operated state-owned vehicles in 2022.
Employees may qualify for a certificate for each calendar year of safe driving and a lapel pin for every five years of consecutive safe driving.
It is the responsibility of each department to select the drivers based on the following criteria:
To qualify for the certificate, the employee must have:
- Operated state-owned vehicles for one year (the calendar year 2022) without a chargeable accident or moving traffic violation.
- CU Employees must have completed an approved driver-training course within the past three years.
To qualify for the lapel pin, the employee must have the following:
- Operated state-owned vehicles without a chargeable accident or moving traffic violation for five consecutive years
- Completed an approved driver-training course within the past three years.
This is an ideal opportunity for supervisors to recognize Clemson University employees for safely operating vehicles on our busy roads.
Review and submit all candidates for the Safe Driver Award to the Risk Services office by Wednesday, May 24. If you would like to nominate an employee from your area, the following information is required (either by the Google Forms link or using the Safe Driver Nominee Form link on SharePoint).
- Employee full name
- Department number
- Department name
- Employee CU ID number
- Employee’s number of years of service with CU
- If the employee has a chargeable accident or moving violation, what year?
- Supervisor’s Name
- Supervisor’s email address
Employees may receive a one-year certificate for consecutive years, but lapel pins are awarded only in five-year increments.
Please use the Google Forms link or use the Safe Driver Nominee Form link on SharePoint to submit nominations. If using the SharePoint link, once completed, please send the form to Lizza Muszynski at lmusyzn@clemson.edu or mail it to 391 College Ave, Suite 202, Clemson, S.C. 29634, or fax it to 864-656-4558. For questions or assistance, contact Lizza Muszynski at lmusyzn@clemson.edu or 864-656-2843.