College of Education; Research

Jennifer Hein to participate in elite education policy fellowship program


Hein Jennifer
Jennifer Hein serves as executive director of strategic planning, assessment and accreditation for Clemson’s College of Education.

Jennifer Hein, executive director of strategic planning, assessment and accreditation for Clemson’s College of Education, has been selected as a member of the South Carolina Education Policy Fellowship Program’s 2018-2019 cohort.

The mission of this highly selective program is to develop a diverse and collaborative community of strategic leaders for effective public policy. Hein said she looks forward to bringing back lessons learned through the program to support the College of Education’s mission to improve teacher and student outcomes as well as affect positive economic and educational change across the state.

“Education is at the forefront of so many issues facing our state and nation, and education policies at the state and federal level obviously play a large role and have the potential to impact not just students, teachers, and education systems, but communities and the work force.” Hein said. “Learning about policy, policy development and the impacts of policy implementation are all vital to being an effective policy advocate and policy maker.”

The program features a variety of activities designed to promote leadership, develop professional networks, demystify education policy and foster understanding of the role of government and the grassroots in creating and implementing policy and practice.

Fellows in the program learn from experts working in education and other fields relating to children and families and engage in dialogue with key decision-makers affecting public policy. Fellows build relationships with elected officials and high-caliber professionals and share their points of view and expertise in their workplaces and communities.

The 2018-2019 cohort’s first session was held September 21 at the SC Chamber of Commerce. According to Hein, the session set the tone for the rest of the experience and allowed her to engage with leaders across the state. She said she looks forward to getting started in the program for the growth it will afford her and the College of Education.

“Because the College of Education is an innovator and transformative force, it really is important to keep our pulse on educational policies and other policies that intersect with students, families, educators, education systems and initiatives,” Hein said. “This fellowship will put me in a position to do that for the college and I am thrilled to fulfill that role.”

The Education Policy Fellowship Program was created in 1964 by the Institute for Educational Leadership in Washington, D.C., in anticipation of the explosive growth of the federal role in education under the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The transformed federal role in education generated a need for education professionals in the states who understood the content of federal legislation, the policy process and the complex changes state systems were undergoing as a result.


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