OUR Clemson

Highway 93 westbound lanes to close Jan. 2-5


Westbound lanes of Highway 93/Walter T. Cox Boulevard will close between Calhoun Drive and Sherman Street in order to repair a section of the roadway from Tuesday, January 2 through Friday, January 5, 2024. The eastbound lanes will be temporarily converted to single-lane traffic in both directions.

Please exercise caution when driving around active construction areas and obey all traffic signs.

For up-to-date information about this and other University Facilities projects, please visit the University Facilities Construction Map. 

An aerial view of Highway 93 on Clemson University's campus. Text reads "The westbound lanes of Walter T. Cox
Blvd. HWY 93 will close between Calhoun
Dr. and Sherman St. in order to repair a section of the roadway. The eastbound lanes will be temporarily converted to single-lane traffic in both directions."