Congratulations to the University faculty and staff who celebrated significant service milestones in January.
Timothy DeVol, College of Engineering, Computer and Applied Sciences, 30 years
Brian Melloy, College of Engineering, Computer and Applied Sciences, 30 years
J. Russell Madray, The Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business, 30 years
Carroll Fennell, CCIT, 20 years
Matthew Turnbull, College of Science, 20 years
Maria Garcia, College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences, 20 years
Zhi Gao, College of Engineering, Computer and Applied Sciences, 20 years
Kimberly Turner, Academic Affairs, 20 years
Bonnie Duncan, Academic Affairs, 20 years
Jeremy King, Academic Affairs, 20 years
James Strickland, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, 10 years
Elliot Jesch, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, 10 years
Amanda Long, College of Engineering, Computer and Applied Sciences, 10 years
Marek Urban, College of Engineering, Computer and Applied Sciences, 10 years
Steven Fullerton, CCIT, 10 years
Birmagidra Gainor, Student Affairs, 10 years
Amy Massingill, Student Affairs, 10 years
Aubrey Miller, University Facilities, 10 years
Landrum Fortner, Jr., University Facilities, 10 years
Ray Kaufman, University Facilities, 10 years
Michael Reed, Jr., Athletics, 10 years