Finance and Operations

CUFD launches Community Connect platform


The Clemson University Fire & EMS Department (CUFD) has partnered with First Due to launch its Community Connect platform, allowing residents and businesses to share critical information with emergency response personnel that could be used in an emergency situation.

“We are always looking for ways to better serve the City of Clemson and Clemson University community,” said Clemson University Fire Chief Rick Cramer. “For this reason, we are rolling out a new program to protect our residents, their property, and local businesses in the most effective way possible.

“Community Connect is a free, secure, and easy-to-use platform that allows you to share critical information about your household that will aid first responders and emergency response personnel when responding to your residence. By providing information about your household that you feel is important for us to know about at the time of an emergency, we can ensure you and everything you care about is protected to the best of our ability.”

Residents can provide information about their property, who is best to contact in an emergency, whether anyone at the residence may have mobility issues or other functional needs that require additional assistance and even information about pets. Any information provided through Community Connect is completely voluntary and based on what residents are comfortable sharing.

Businesses, as well as schools and age-care facilities, can share documents outlining their emergency plans, any mobility or functional needs that may require additional assistance at their facility, access and utility information, fire control systems, hazardous materials information and contact information in the event of an emergency.

To create a profile and find more information, visit CUFD’s Community Connect portal.