Planning is underway for the 5th Annual Men of Color National Summit to be held November 4-5, 2021.
The 2021 Clemson University Men of Color National Summit will offer educational, informative, and enlightening sessions that enable summit participants to experience engaging, empirical, and interactive learning opportunities. Accordingly, the Clemson University Men of Color National Summit’s proposal evaluation committee seeks session proposals from a diverse array of leaders, scholars, and educators that address critical social issues, highlight solution-centered perspectives, and describe best practices affecting the achievement and college readiness of African American and Hispanic males.
Session proposal submission instructions:
Complete the online proposal submission form plus send a photo and biographical sketch by email to
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) provide essential information about the call for proposals process.
The session proposal, photo and biographical sketch must be submitted on or before March 10, 2021 (5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time).
Proposal Details:
While all session proposals are welcomed, it is recommended that session proposals focus on high school students, college students, or a professional audience. Moreover, the review committee strongly encourages session proposals designed to motivate, inspire, and educate African American and Hispanic male students to succeed in high school, college, and beyond. Proposals that focus on high school students and college students should describe the purpose of the session, learning objectives, and expected outcomes of the session as well as provide information that describes the presentation format. Proposals that focus on a professional audience should clearly describe the audience the proposal addresses as well as delineate the learning objectives, presentation format, and goals of the session.