With 2019 coming to a close, we want to take a moment to celebrate the faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends who make Clemson University such a special place. Whether it’s in the lab, the classroom or on the field, people are the heart of our institution and the reason why Clemson has grown to become an institution recognized for excellence.
As we prepare to face a new decade, let’s look back at the top stories from this year that showcase what being a Tiger is all about.
Breaking through

As an R1 Institution, Clemson is making strides in research that will benefit generations to come.
A critical question in medicine asks how individual variation in DNA can predict variation in health and disease. Research from the Clemson Center for Human Genetics identified hundreds of metabolites that might serve as intermediates to translate variation in the genome to variation in complex traits, findings which could one day help doctors better monitor metabolite variation as an indicator for disease.
Clemson University psychologist Robin Kowalski’s research reveals that people think about the advice they would give their younger selves more often than many people might think, and for many this mental exercise is anything but futile.
Wielding state-of-the-art technologies and techniques, Clemson astrophysicists have added a novel approach to quantifying one of the most fundamental laws of the universe – the expansion of the cosmos.
The tools to address trauma among students should be a high priority for educators. Luckily, teachers have resources that they can turn to in order to learn best practices in addressing trauma in the classroom including a new book co-authored by education and human development assistant professor Rachelle Savitz.
Partnering for a stronger tomorrow
Through workforce development initiatives, partnerships with industry and even working with institutions across the state, Clemson is fulfilling its commitment to support South Carolina.

Clemson University and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) have begun a statewide collaborative program called Healthy Me – Healthy SC, created to improve health care access and combat health disparities across South Carolina.
Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation partnered with Clemson earlier this year to create a robotic solution for syringe-filling automation to enhance sterile manufacturing in the pharmaceutical production process and keep up with growing hospital demands.
More than ever, there is a growing need for a highly trained workforce that can play a critical role in reducing cardiovascular disease. Clemson University and Hitachi Healthcare Americas are answering this call and have joined forces to accelerate innovation in cardiovascular imaging to help students reach their full potential.
Clemson University and Duke Energy hit the road this summer behind the wheel of the Explore Mobile Lab, an innovative approach to educating middle school students across the Palmetto State about the critical and growing field of engineering.
Student success and academic excellence
Students at Clemson are leaving no stone unturned when it comes to achieving their goals.

Bacterial spot has threatened South Carolina peaches for as long as anyone can remember, but Clemson graduate student Brodie Cox is hoping his research can bring some relief to the peach industry.
Clemson Ph.D. student Allison Domhoff received a $25,000 Hitachi High Technologies Electron Microscopy Fellowship to support research aimed at making energy grid-scale batteries more efficient and cost-effective.
Conserving natural resources is both a passion and a potential career path for Caleb Todd, and a major award from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is helping the Clemson University sophomore develop in both aspects.
Three Clemson seniors headed to graduate school and three alumni in graduate school received the Graduate Research Fellowships from the National Science Foundation, an honor that puts them in the same club as several Nobel laureates and Google founder Sergey Brin.
Giving Back
Our alumni, friends and donors make the research, partnerships and student success possible through generous and transformational gifts. This year was no different as we held our most successful Give Day to date and welcomed the fourth, fifth and sixth Academic Cornerstone partners.
Dan (’72) and Nancy Garrison of Houston become the fourth Academic Cornerstone Partner with a gift of $2.5 million to support the College of Business.
Michael (’86) and Robyn Nieri laid a foundation for student success as the University’s fifth Academic Cornerstone Partner with a gift of $5 million to the Department of Construction Science and Management in the College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities.
Clemson University Trustee Leon James “Bill” Hendrix and his family’s contributions have been an instrumental part of Clemson. Earlier this year, the Hendrixes made another transformational difference and became the sixth Academic Cornerstone Partner with a gift of $2.5 million. Given in memory and honor of Pam Hendrix, the gift will establish the Pam Hendrix Center for Education Abroad, scholarships and the Dream Jar Curriculum.
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