OUR Clemson

Two SC Botanical Garden after school programs for junior naturalists


The SC Botanical Gardens is sponsoring two programs of note for junior naturalists:

Junior Naturalists I

The series starts Thursday, September 8, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – Visit event.

In this after-school program, Junior Naturalists (6 – 12 years old) will learn about the natural habitats of South Carolina, from the mountains to the sea. The focus will be on native trees and their importance to the plants, animals and people of South Carolina over time. Children will discover insects that depend on our stately oaks, birds that thrive in longleaf pines, and mammals that snack on palmetto fruit. Participants also learn how humans used majestic trees for housing, shipbuilding, food, medicine and more!

Junior Naturalists 2

The series starts Thursday, September 15, from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – Visit event.

In this after school program, Junior Naturalists (12-16 years old) will dig deeper into the science of nature. Participants will discover how plants and animals adapt to their environments and how those environments are. In this after-school program, Junior Naturalists (12-16 years old) will dig deeper into the science of nature. Participants will discover how plants and animals adapt to their environments and how those environments change over time. Participants will hone their science skills and learn more about the complexities of the natural world.