OUR Clemson

Emeritus College launches Speakers’ Bureau of retired faculty



The Clemson University Emeritus College has established a Speakers’ Bureau of retired faculty members who will share their expertise and experience in communities across South Carolina.

The Emeritus College has members who are interested in speaking to groups on a diverse variety of subjects.

The Speakers’ Bureau will help connect emeriti with a wide clientele, including community groups, nonprofit organizations, educators and agencies to share their vast knowledge base and expertise. It also will make groups aware of the availability of emeriti speakers who can enhance their programs with a wide spectrum of presentation topics.

Information is available on the Emeritus College website and arranged by topic, including the Arts and Humanities, Business, Science and Technology and Special Interest. The speakers, their subject matter expertise and contact information are posted for organizations to arrange for presentations.

The Emeritus College was developed in 2003 to serve Clemson’s dynamic and illustrious emeritus faculty who continue to serve the University and the community. Address general questions to emerituscollege@clemson.edu.