PENDLETON — The achievements of South Carolina youth who dedicated themselves to specific 4-H program areas such as agriculture/livestock, healthy lifestyles, natural resources and science were recognized at the inaugural South Carolina 4-H Project Awards Luncheon on July 13.
Sponsored by the South Carolina Beef Council, South Carolina Pork Board and South Carolina Cattlemen’s Foundation, the event saw more than 200 people gather at the T. Ed Garrison Arena during 4-H State Congress to celebrate the achievements of South Carolina youth in specific 4-H program areas.
Eighty-two recognitions were given during the ceremony to youth between 9 and 19 years old from across the state for demonstrating remarkable skill, effort and service within their respective project areas.
South Carolina 4-H Youth Development uses a learn-by-doing approach, the involvement of caring adults and the knowledge and resources of Clemson University and the land-grant university system to empower youth to become healthy, productive, contributing members of society.
Barrow Project
The South Carolina Performance Tested Barrow Project is for those who want to learn how to raise a barrow to market weight all while producing a high-quality meat product.
Wilson Oxner, 1st place Jr.
Garrett Ulmer, 1st place Sr.
Bradleann Wilson, Final Overall Exhibitor Jr.
Garrett Ulmer, Final Overall Exhibitor Sr.
Dairy Heifer Project
Any 4-H or FFA member, age 9-17, can raise and show a registered dairy heifer for 18 months in the South Carolina Dairy Heifer Project.
Madelyn Bolin, 3rd place Jr.
Logan Bolin, 2nd place Jr.
Keelie Summers, 1st place Jr.
Amarillo Nivens, 3rd place Sr.
Geneffer Sweatman, 2nd place Sr.
Catherine Faulkner, 1st place Sr.
Jordan Gast, High Selling Guernsey
Kadyjean Cathcart, High Selling Jersey
Riley Moss, High Selling Holstein
Amanda Lutz, Outstanding Volunteer
Market Steer Project
The South Carolina Market Steer Project is approximately a 10-month commitment where youth get to experience the market steer and beef industry.
Benjamin Black, 2nd place Jr.
Austin Landreth, 1st place Jr.
Rachel Stevens, 3rd place Sr.
Joseph Stevens, 2nd place Sr.
Ruthie Masengale, 1st place Sr.
Ruthie Masengale, High Selling Steer
Meat Goat Project
The South Carolina 4-H/FFA Meat Goat Project is a strong project in which youth are responsible for the care, maintenance, and exhibition of meat goats.
Sadie Burnette, 3rd place Cloverleaf
Callie Alcorn, 2nd place Cloverleaf
Brooke Alcorn, 1st place Cloverleaf
Kayleigh Moses, 3rd place Jr.
Madysen Baker, 2nd place Jr.
Allie Burnette, 1st place Jr.
Geneffer Sweatman, 3rd place Sr.
Dallas Nivens, 2nd place Sr.
Hunter Robinson, 1st place Sr.
Drew Walker, Overall Project Participant
Horse Project
The South Carolina 4-H Horse Program is led by Kristine Vernon, associate professor in Clemson University’s animal and veterinary sciences department, with Katie Shaw, state 4-H/horse extension specialist.
Anabelle Creech, 3rd place Level 1
Amelia Lee, 2nd place Level 1
Aliza Allison, 1st place Level 1
Loni McKenzie, 3rd place Level 2
Morgan Marlett, 2nd place Level 2
Langley Vernon, 1st place Level 2
National 4-H Healthy Living Summit participants
The Healthy Lifestyles Program is supported by a partnership with the Walmart Foundation Healthy Living Grant. The goal of the program is to mobilize underserved youth to take action around nutritional deficiencies, healthy food choices and physical activity.
Jordan Snipes
Lindsey Scott
Allie Trotter
Ginger Wertz
Laken Fulmer
Le’Shay Jailor
Small Garden Project
Started in 2012, the 4-H Small Garden Project is an independent-study project where youth learn where and how their food is grown using hands-on, in-the-garden experiences.
Maria Duckett, Regional Winner (Upstate) Jr. – tie
Samuel Mock, Regional Winner (Upstate) Jr. – tie
Chloe English, Regional Winner (Pee Dee) Jr.
Charis Grabbe, State Winner (individual) and Midlands Region winner Jr.
Tabitha Swygert, Regional Winner (Midlands) Sr.
Morgan “Tori” McCaskill, Regional Winner (PeeDee) Sr.
William Roberts, State Winner (individual) and Savannah Valley Reg winner Sr.
Wildlife Food Plot Project
Originally known as the F.A.C.E. project (Food and Cover Establishment), the 4-H Wildlife Food Plot Project was reconfigured in 2012 to reflect a fall planting season and seed mix aimed at attracting white-tailed deer and small game.
Baylor Caldwell, Regional Winner (Upstate) Jr.
Barnes McConnell, Regional Winner (Pee Dee) Jr.
Tyler West, Regional Winner (Savannah Valley) Jr.
Dianna Moore, State Winner (and Midlands Region) Jr.
Kensey Wilson Regional Winner (Upstate) Sr.
Wyatt Hallman, State Winner (and Midlands Region) Sr.
Honey Bee Project
The 4-H Honey Bee Project is the newest project under the Natural Resources program area. In its second year, it is designed to give youth first-hand experience of the art and science of beekeeping, along with promoting the importance of pollinators in agriculture and the environment.
Ansley Callahan, Regional Winner (Upstate) Jr.
William Howard, Regional Winner (Pee Dee) Jr.
Luanne Plemmons, Regional Winner (Savannah Valley)
Wilson Oxner, State Winner (and Midlands Region) Jr.
Megan Farrell, Regional Winner (Upstate) Sr.
Wyatt Hallman, Regional Winner (Midlands) Sr.
Peter Pendleton, Regional Winner (Pee Dee) Sr.
Margot Plemmons, Sate Winner (and Savannah valley) Sr.
Forestry Program
4-H Forestry Program participants start out participating in a weekend long Forestry Clinic. At the clinic, youth receive hands-on training from Extension forestry agents in the areas of tree identification, tree measurement, compass and pacing, topographic map reading, and insect and disease identification.
Ethan Altman, 2017 National Team (9th place team) Sr.
Ashton Hallman, 2017 National Team (9th place team) Sr.
Myles Hutton, 2017 National Team (9th place team – 6th place overall) Sr.
Samuel Barstow, 2018 National Team qualifier Sr.
Gabe Bobo, 2018 National Team qualifier Sr.
William Roberts, 2018 National Team qualifier Sr.
Nicholas Stalford, 2018 National Team qualifier Sr.
Shooting Sports Program
The 4-H Shooting Sports Program focuses on developing responsible, productive citizens using their interest in firearms and archery as a vehicle to accomplish this goal.
Hunter Vaughn, HOA Rookie
Turner Parcell, HOA Intermediate Entry
Rhett Lindler, HOA Intermediate Advanced
Hunter Weatherford, HOA Jr. Varsity
Matthew Holmes, HOA Sr. Varsity
Helen Johnson, HOA Intermediate Ladies
Madison Sharpe, HOA Sr. Ladies
Will Clyburn, 2018 National Team qualifier
Brad Lahman, 2018 National Team qualifier
Curtis White, 2018 National Team qualifier
Tangie McFee, 2018 National Team qualifier
Science Program
Youth who are passionate about science can serve as a 4-H Science Ambassador and/or register to compete in the SC 4-H Engineering Challenge, sponsored by Enlighten SC, which will be held on March 30, 2019, at the SC State Fairgrounds.
Hannah Earhart
Jeffery Feaster
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