OUR Clemson

Winter Weather Update 1.16.22 – University Announces Monday Closures


Clemson University Upstate locations including main campus, CU-ICAR, GreenvilleONE, CUBEInC in Patewood, the Center for Human Genetics in Greenwood, and the Innovation Campus and Technology Park in Anderson will be closed Monday, January 17 due to hazardous conditions caused by winter weather. 

Campus will be closed in accordance with the Emergency Closing Policy and using the Emergency Closing Procedure

Teams are currently working to clear roads, but travel through campus and the surrounding area remains dangerous and individuals are asked to remain off roadways at this time. As conditions improve, additional assessments will take place and decisions for future operations will be communicated.

COVID-19 Testing

As originally planned in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day COVID-19 Testing remains closed on Monday. 

  • Students, faculty, and staff with a testing due date on a day that testing is cancelled due to weather, or on holidays will have their access extended until testing reopens.
  • Bridge to Clemson students who have not obtained and submitted a pre-arrival result must take an on-campus test Tuesday (or when testing resumes) and will not have access to University facilities other than housing until a result is obtained.


Clemson University has several ways to communicate with you about weather and impacts on classes and operations:

You will be alerted to any additional decisions to close offices and/or cancel classes as soon as possible. Remember:

  • The governor can order state offices and campuses to close.
  • State offices and campuses must close if county government offices in that location close.
  • Clemson University’s administration may cancel classes or close offices.

For updates on the storm and emergency planning information, visit the South Carolina Emergency Management Division webpage

To find updates on specific University events and openings, follow the Twitter accounts below:

Athletics – @ClemsonTigers

Campus Recreation – @CU_Rec

Dining Services – @ClemsonDining

Facilities – @Facilities_CU

Library – @ClemsonLibrary

Parking and Transportation Services – @Clemson_Parking

Public Safety – @ClemsonSafety

Student Health Services – @HealthyCampus