From the farm fields to the biotech labs to your own backyard, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) play important roles in everyone’s lives.
The importance of STEM to South Carolina’s growing workforce will form the backdrop when officials gather in Columbia on March 17 for STEM Education Day at the Capitol.
The 2020 SC Economic Analysis Report issued by the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce identifies thousands of opportunities for careers in STEM-related fields. As an example, the professional, scientific, and technical services sector is projected to grow by over 15% across a 10-year period.
As stated by Rebecca Short, the director of operations at Clemson University’s Center for Workforce Development, “STEM Education is important to South Carolina, because STEM-related jobs in the state are in high demand. Employees with STEM-related skills are essential to the state’s economic progress and success.”
Where do you find a STEM ready workforce? “It begins with STEM educators,” states Tom Peters, executive director of South Carolina’s Coalition for Mathematics & Science (SCCMS) at Clemson University.
South Carolina STEM Education Month 2022, launching on Pi Day (March 14), is an initiative of SCCMS.
“It is an invitation to everyone- across formal education, informal education, business, government, and beyond- to celebrate, innovate, and advocate for STEM education in South Carolina,” adds Peters.
STEM Education Day at the Capitol, as part of STEM Education Month, is the biggest celebration of STEM initiatives in South Carolina. SCCMS invites all South Carolinians to be a part of STEM Day at the Capitol festivities.
Thanks to SC-ETV, you can tune in on March 17 from 10-11 a.m. to watch a live broadcast of events via Facebook Live.
Highlights include:
· A reading of the Governor’s Proclamation of STEM Education Day
· Recognition of the Growing in STEM Grant recipients
· Recognition of the SC STEM Educators of the Year finalists
· Announcement of the 2022 SC STEM Educator of the Year
· Announcement of the winner of the Learning Blade 3D printer giveaway
Use this link to tune in to the STEM Day at the Capitol live broadcast. Join us, and bring a friend!
Looking for more opportunities to find your STEM? Visit for more STEM Education Month activities and information.
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