Faculty electing to retire by August 31, 2025, and who qualify for the official title of Emeritus/Emerita as described by the Faculty Manual, should note that there are two independent steps to start the retirement process.
Step I: Make an appointment with a Human Resources Benefits Counselor.
Step II: Contact the Emeritus College, independently from your human resources benefit appointment, to initiate your membership in the Emeritus College.
- See the 2024-2025 Retirement Guidebook for more information about these steps.
- Complete Step I and Step II by the close of business Friday, March 14, 2025, to participate in this year’s emeritus recognition ceremony to be held April 22, 2025, at the Madren Center.
- This deadline is firm and necessary to merge and verify data and to make appropriate arrangements for the April recognition ceremony.
The Emeritus College will host a Hybrid Lunch Q&A for active faculty on February 20, 2025, beginning at noon.
- This informal program will consist of a panel of emeritus faculty, HR benefits coordinators and a PEBA representative to answer questions about what to expect when retiring, how to prepare for retirement and to learn about opportunities post-retirement. The Emeritus College will provide a light lunch for those who attend in person.
- Access the invitation for the hybrid lunch.
- If you plan to attend the Hybrid Lunch – in person – you must RSVP by February 14, 2025, using our registration form linked below.
- Registration to attend in person (lunch included)
- IMPORTANT: Virtual attendees DO NOT REGISTER. Simply join Zoom
Special Luncheon Scheduled
The University will honor its 2024-2025 emeritus faculty with a ceremony and luncheon on April 22, 2025, at the Madren Center. This event will coincide with the Emeritus College’s annual Emeritus Day. President Clements and Provost Jones are honored to recognize the 2024-2025 emeriti for their years of service to the University.
If you have questions, contact Victoria Musheff, Program Coordinator II/Emeritus College at vmushef@clemson.edu (864-656-3990) or contact a HR Benefits Counselor.