The Office of University Compliance and Ethics will celebrate Data Privacy Day with free 15-minute smartphone privacy clinics and a “Privacy Matters: Make It Personal” keynote address on Tuesday, January 28. All events are open to Clemson students, faculty and staff.
“Here’s the great thing about privacy I’m hoping the University community will recognize,” said Theo Wills, Clemson’s chief privacy officer. “When you take the time to understand and implement the data privacy practices that are required under University policies and procedures and reiterated in training, you can reap a dual benefit by applying those same principles outside of work when managing your personal information. It’s a win-win!”
Privacy Matters: Make It Personal
January 28, 2025
3-4 p.m.
Register via Zoom
Wills will deliver the keynote address from 3-4 p.m. via Zoom. The talk will provide a look at what’s going on across the data privacy landscape as we enter 2025. Everything from technology to legislation to ethics intersects with privacy. What should you be thinking about in your work life? What about potential impacts on your personal data management habits? Start the year off with a privacy mindset. Privacy is not dead—it’s just being reincarnated. What is shaping this next iteration of privacy?
Last year, the University Privacy Policy helped turn the focus to “What is privacy?” and awareness of privacy principles. Now, the Office will make it ‘personal’ by helping students, staff, and faculty identify and assess privacy risks in their areas and help them make informed decisions about how they share information in their day-to-day activities.
Guard Your BFF! Smartphone Privacy Made Easy
January 28, 2025
12-12:15 p.m.
12:20-12:35 p.m.
12:40-12:55 p.m.
Cooper Library, 416 Brown Room
How much do you love your smartphone? When it’s not with you do you feel lost or even panicked? Who knows you better than your smartphone? If it could talk, what could it tell the world about you? Join Theo Wills at one of the 15-minute smartphone privacy clinics where you will learn about smartphone privacy settings and how you can control the data your smartphone collects and shares about you, without you even knowing. These hands-on workshops, held at R.M. Cooper Library’s Brown Room (416), are aimed at students but open to all.
About Data Privacy Day
Data Privacy Day commemorates the January 28, 1981, signing of Convention 108, the first legally binding international treaty dealing with privacy and data protection. Data Privacy Day’s educational initiative originally focused on raising awareness among businesses and users about the importance of protecting the privacy of their personal information online, particularly in the context of social networking. However, as the importance of privacy has increased, the observance has expanded beyond the business community to encompass organizations of all types and individuals.