OUR Clemson

Mask Requirement Moves to Medical, Transit, Court Facilities Only


As shown on the University’s COVID dashboard, the number of COVID cases – and number of students in isolation and quarantine – have substantially declined in recent weeks. Following communication about the change to bi-weekly testing for students and employees, health experts have continued to track the rapid decline of the Omicron variant and COVID-19 prevalence. Based on the low prevalence, as well as forecasts projecting that cases will continue to decline, and the availability of high-quality masks, the mask directive has been updated as follows: 


Effective Monday, February 21, face masks are NOT required in University facilities with the exception – per federal and state requirements – of the following:

  • In medical facilities and testing sites
  • On public transportation (CATBus, TigerTransit), and
  • In the Clemson University Municipal Court.*

Note that individuals exiting isolation and quarantine are still required to mask for five days. While no longer required for all other individuals, masks are encouraged in instructional areas (classrooms, instructional labs) and research labs. Free N95 masks, which have been shown to provide the strongest protection against infection, are now freely available for pickup at pharmacies statewide. Furthermore, KN95 masks are still available for pickup at Vickery Hall.


At the two-year mark of this pandemic, we know that many of us have experienced fatigue and stress. We would like to again share support resources available to employees and students. Feel free to reach out to your supervisors and advisors and to consult these available resources to support you professionally and personally.

University health experts and leadership will continue to monitor COVID-19 daily. These protocols will be reviewed weekly, with any updates provided soon thereafter based on the status of COVID-19 at that time. As always, should any significant developments occur in the meantime, the University will also issue guidance.

*The SC Supreme Court announced on 2/17/22 that the face masks or coverings requirement in Municipal Courts is rescinded effective 3/1/22.