PELION – Spring is just around the corner and Clemson Extension experts are ready to help growers learn just what is needed to produce bountiful crops of spring vegetables.

A Spring Vegetable Production Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 21, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at Pelion High School, 600 Lydia Dr., Pelion, S.C. 29123. Cost is $5 and is payable at the door. Pesticide credits will be available.
Justin Ballew, Clemson Extension commercial horticulture agent and meeting organizer, said presentations include a discussion on disease control in spring vegetables by plant pathologist Tony Keinath. Matt Cutulle, vegetable weed scientist, will give an update on weed control and Cory Heaton, wildlife specialist, will discuss a deer management trial he is conducting. Stormy Sparks, an entomologist from the University of Georgia, will discuss diamondback moth caterpillar management.
Dinner will be served. Please RSVP by Friday, Feb. 15, so that meeting organizers will have an accurate count for food.
For additional information, or to RSVP, call the Clemson Extension Lexington County office at 803-359-8515, or email Alivia Gunter at
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